The Provision of Touching Electronic and Braille Qurans

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AbdulJabbar Mohammed


Currently, there is significant progress in various fields, including writing, which has diversified into various forms such as printed materials, digital storage, and tactile formats. The blind traditionally read written text through touch, and the Holy Qur'an has also been made available through modern printing methods. However, the use of electronic and Braille Qur'ans raises questions about their proper classification and adherence to religious rulings. This research focuses on the implications of these new forms of Qur'an accessibility. The study comprises an introductory section, four main topics, and a concluding segment. Topic 1: Introduction to the Quran. Topic two pertains to handling the Qur'an. Topic three: The digital Quran. Topic three: Braille Quran.

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How to Cite
Mohammed, A. (2024). The Provision of Touching Electronic and Braille Qurans. Islamic Sciences Journal, 14(4), 19–37.