Quarantine and its Effect on Preserving Selfs Intention

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Saleh Ahmed


Before embarking on any work, it is necessary to clarify the foundations and pillars on which the research was based. The overarching goal of my study is to regulate the basics of quarantine, and how to sit down the legal rules for quarantine for the purpose of preserving the intention of the human soul, and every work deals with some difficulties, but these difficulties have disappeared and by the mercy and grace of Allah.

In my research, I followed the inductive analytical approach, as it is based on extrapolating and legitimizing issues, and analyzing the parts of the issues to produce results that serve the entire community and preserve the lives and safety of people.

The obtained results could be summarized, as follows:

1. The quarantine was not the product of contemporary ideas, but rather it was rooted in the noble Prophet’s inheritance and the companions of the Prophet, may Allah prayers and peace be upon him.

2.Doctors have determined the sanitary means and rules that must be adhered to in times of quarantine in order not to cause the transmission of infection and disease. These methods have been proven by the jurists and scholars of intention on which the Sharia rulings have been built .They insisted on preserving the selfs intention and made it a duty to preserve the purpose of the soul.

In the conclusion of my research, I recommend the researchers to take into consideration the aspect of preserving the intentions in the various aspects of life, especially we see that the pursuit of preserving the intentions of the law was not taken into account by most people, whether in memorizing or arranging between the intentions.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Ahmed , S. (2023). Quarantine and its Effect on Preserving Selfs Intention. Islamic Sciences Journal, 12(5), 152–179. https://doi.org/10.25130/jis.