The Deities of Arabs before Islam: Between Sanctification and Underestimation

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Waaddullah Mafraji


The pagan religion was the most widespread religion in the region of the Arabian Peninsula before Islam. It was a religion that is based on the worship of a certain idol or monument, which they considered as their gods. The purpose of their worship was to obtain the approval of these gods and avoid their anger and resentment, and to obtain success in their socio-economic, religious and political lives. Therefore, these deities were revered. Before Islam, Arabs reached the limit of reverence for their gods to offer vows and offerings, and they reached the point of offering human, animal and material offerings. At the same time, these idols were exposed to abuse and underestimation by some people. The study shows how Arabs reverence their idols as well as underestimate them, and how do they reach to this duality in dealing with deities .

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Mafraji, W. (2023). The Deities of Arabs before Islam: Between Sanctification and Underestimation. Islamic Sciences Journal, 13(1), 75–91.