The Demons of Pre-Islamic Poets Authorization by Ibn Shahid Al-Andalusi (d. 426 A.H) in His Message Minions and Cyclones : An Analytical Study

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Fatima Wely
Abdulhussein Muhammed


This brief study aims to examine the message of the Followers and Cyclones by Ibn Shahid Andalusian (Died on 426 H) take up the text of a dialogue by  Ibn Shahid and his companion is the Jinn (Zuhair bin Namir) for the demons of the pre-Islamic poets Those he interviewed in succession, the dialogue of devil Imru al-Qais then they had a dialogue with devil Tarfa bin Al-Abd, then the third dialogue of the demon of the pre-Islamic poet Qais bin Al-Khatim, and at the end of each dialogue Ibn Shahid takes the license to excel from the followers of these great poets.

Therefore, the researchers dealt with these dialogues with technical analysis and the intention of the writer from conducting the dialogues on the tongue of the interlocutors leading to granting him a license to excel From the presence of these followers, to respond with it to his envious, haters and tyrants, thus, he has won in the arena of literature after he relied on the weapon of imagination, which built this literary position by creating this immortal literary work, which was considered a prominent landmark of our immortal Arabic literature.

The researchers affected that this approach be through two interrelated topics, the first is the presentation of the text and its study in terms of structure and style, standing on Verses, drawing the characters, analyzing their symbols, and linking all of this to the poet’s biography and his artistic doctrine.

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كيفية الاقتباس
Wely, F., & Muhammed , A. (2023). The Demons of Pre-Islamic Poets Authorization by Ibn Shahid Al-Andalusi (d. 426 A.H) in His Message Minions and Cyclones : An Analytical Study. Islamic Sciences Journal, 13(1), 122–149.