The Legal Intentions of the Contemporary Interpreters of the Holly verses

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

Muthanna Ibrahim


The Noble Qur’an came with many purposes, and among these objectives is what is related to legal rulings, between the Qur’an and Shari’a in general and in particular in terms of objectives, and the term “maqasid” is a modern term and is synonymous with the terms that I mentioned in the folds of the research such as (wisdom, reason, reason ... etc.). Understanding the purposes of the Sharia guarantees the soundness of thought from violating the intention of the text, and it is not possible to contemplate and properly understand the Qur’an without understanding its purposes and goals.

Thus, the main objective of Islamic Sharia is the formation of a secure Muslim society. Sharia is the comprehensive system that achieves people's happiness, fixes their affairs and achieves their interests in all aspects of life.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
Ibrahim , M. (2023). The Legal Intentions of the Contemporary Interpreters of the Holly verses . Islamic Sciences Journal, 13(1), 297–320.